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Requirements for a Healthy Diet


1) Limit fructose — This includes honey, table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and agave nectar. Glucose (dextrose) is safer but don’t go crazy with it. Fructose tends to damage the liver, cause diabetes, and end up as belly fat. Also undergoes glycation in the body (same chemical reaction involved in browning of food) which leads to rapid aging and dark circles around eyes. A good alternative to sugar to put into tea and coffee is glycine, an amino acid that’s one of the 4 that make up DNA. The body needs it, and it’s cheap, and it’s sweet.

2) Don’t gorge on fruit and fruit juices — stick to berries, bananas, apples, kiwis, pineapples, and citrus. 1 cup per day or less. Fruits contain fructose, and fruit juices are much higher in fructose.

3) Limit Cow Dairy — except butter and half-n-half. Goat milk and goat cheese is okay in moderation. But no cow cheese, sour cream, milk, or ice cream. Cow dairy contains lactose (some are intolerant to it), casein (turns into casomorphin an opiate and contributes to autism, hard to digest), lots of puss (just gross), has homogenized fats that oxidize quicker and are abrasive in the blood stream, and feeds internal candida yeast which contributes to acne and hair loss. There’s A2 milk available now, which contains a less irritating form of milk casein protein than regular milk, but you still deal with the other issues.

4) Limit wheat — No bread, crackers, pretzels, bagels, pizza, buns. Wheat is very high in gluten, especially bread with added gluten. Many people are sensitive to gluten without knowing it. Creates allergic reaction that spikes insulin and contributes to rapid weight gain at best, intense stomach cramps with diarrhea and damage to the nervous system and small intestine at worst. In ancient times, wheat was only a few percent gluten and fermented like sourdough before baking to reduce bad elements, today bread is none of these. Alternatives: oats, rice, sweet potatoes, winter squash, plantains, millet (caution: highly goitrogenic i.e. bad for the thyroid), corn, rye, barley.

5) Limit charring, grilling, or deep frying of meat, or browning/roasting of grains and nuts and seeds — These high-heat methods produce carcinogens and advanced glycation end-products (AGE’s) that are bad for you. The more browned a food is, the more AGEs it contains. Browned food is fine once or twice a week but don’t be making it a daily habit. Instead, try to steam, pressure cook, boil, braise, bake, or poach your meats and eggs. If you can cook it without deeply browning it, then you’re good to go.

7) Balance your pH (blood acidity or alkalinity) — Include vegetables with every meal especially onions and leafy greens. Avoid pizza, processed meats, pork, junk food, and other foods that increase acidity. Can take a pinch of baking soda in water as well to alkalize if no other option.

8) Balance your blood sugar — Avoid high glycemic foods, especially fruit juices, soft drinks, white mushy rice or potatoes in high quantities, and breads. You know you’ve had too much when you get that sugar rush and then the sugar crash a couple hours later. If you feel extremely tired within 3 hours after eating and need to take a nap, your insulin is spiking and many of those sugar calories are now going straight to your fat deposits after insulin triggers the liver to convert sugar into triglycerides. This causes diabetes, fatty liver, and pancreatic cancer if done over and over for years. Keep your carb portions reasonable.

9) Grains — Grains and seeds like millet are generally high in phytic acid (eats your teeth and binds nutrients your body cannot then absorb) and some also contain goitrogens which screw with your thyroid gland (swollen thyroid and hypothyroidism, iodine deficiency). Hypothyroidism can lead low energy and rapid fat gain, difficulty with fat loss despite exercise. Oats can be estrogenic on top of it. The safest grain to eat is white basmati rice from India. Lacks nutrition and is pure calories, but has been stripped of most of the bad stuff. You’re better off eating a banana or basmati rice for breakfast than wheat, corn, or oat products.

10) Meats — Chicken breast and lean beef are the safest due to low fat content (and hence low levels of toxins that accumulate in animal fats). Avoid pork, it’s inflammatory. Lamb is like fatty beef and therefore loaded with saturated fat. Saturated fat is actually good for you up to a certain amount, beyond which it promotes inflammation. And unless you get grass feed meat, the fat profile contains too many Omega 6’s and palmitic acid which your body just doesn’t need so much of. Eggs are fine overall, just know they are mildly allergenic to some people and the egg yolk is the part you actually need for the vitamins and minerals. For seafood, eat fresh or frozen salmon and other fish keeping in mind the PCB and mercury toxins are higher in some products than others and you don’t want to be eating canned tuna every day as you’ll get mercury toxicity symptoms after some time. Turkey is very good for you, only issue is that turkey fat goes rancid quickly so you can’t keep a pack of fresh or cooked turkey in the fridge for long.

11) Organs — Chicken liver does the job, better if it’s organic or all natural. Same with beef liver. These are nature’s multivitamins. There are also hearts, kidneys, gizzards, and other weird stuff but they’re not necessary. No omnivore or carnivore animal on the planet goes around eating just muscle meat. They go for the organs first. Native tribes likewise. Our bodies evolved to need it, unfortunately. So if you’re someone who eats just white meat chicken and white meat fish, be careful with deficiencies in key things not just vitamins and minerals but also amino acids like taurine, carnosine, carnitine, and creatine. That’s easily solved if you eat more egg yolks and/or liver, or supplement with powders and pills.

12) Fats — Olive oil is perfect. Research fake olive oil — there’s a lot of it out there. Only certain brands are genuine. You need it for the oleic acid. High oleic safflower oil has it too, and despite getting trashed by some authors, the fatty acid profile of that kind of oil is on par with olive oil so I don’t see the problem. If you’re low on oleic acid (like say you only ever eat butter and coconut oil, which are very low in it) you’ll get neurological and skin problems, and heightened inflammation throughout the body. Coconut oil is alright to include in a diet, but not to be relied on. It has lauric acid which is an antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. Butter is also fine as part, but again not to be relied on due to being high in saturated fat and low in oleic acid.

13) Nuts — Walnuts, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts (no more than 4 per day due to high selenium content), and blanched almonds are best. Nuts contains lectins, phytic acid, and are higher in fat. This means if you eat a lot of nuts (and seeds) you’ll get fatter than then calories would suggest, due to hormones and metabolism being adversely affected. So keep nuts and seeds to 1 oz per day or less.

14) Include both fresh and cooked vegetables. Fresh for the lifeforce, cooked for the bio-availability of the nutrients that are otherwise locked away if uncooked. A completely raw vegetable diet is okay for short term fasts or special detoxing periods, but the human body cannot absorb all the nutrients it needs from just raw vegetables, so some of it needs to be cooked too. Cooking opens up the cell walls to release more nutrients.

15) Go easy with the salt. Too much sodium makes hair fall out and dehydrates the body. That is absolutely proven in experience. It’s not the sodium that does it directly, but its interference with the potassium ion channel that feeds into hair follicles. This means you can add salt to your foods to make it taste fine, but don’t overload yourself with highly salty stuff all day long like fast foods, processed foods, soups and chilis, bread and cheese, and so on. That’s a fast trip to baldville.

16) Avoid non-fermented soy products. These have estrogen-mimickers that will emasculate men and contribute to breast cancer in women. Some soy-sauce or miso is fine. Tofu is questionable. Soy milk, avoid.

17) No vegetarianism for O blood types — It seems people with O blood are not evolutionarily equipped to permanently handle vegetarian diets, as they need dense and rich proteins. Beans are not enough to provide adequate protein (it takes several cans of beans to even equal one steak, for instance). On such meat-free diets they tend to get lethargic and suffer from greater deficiencies. Without common dairy or soy (those are to be avoided) the options for protein are severely limited, and eggs are not good enough since they don’t provide the amount of zinc, B-vitamins, and iron that meats have. Those with A, B, and AB blood do better on vegetarian diets than Type O’s, however.

Master List of Safe Foods

This is a list of foods that have highest benefit to risk ratio. There may be other good foods I’m forgetting. You can eat foods outside this list in moderation,


  • white basmati rice
  • sweet potato / yams
  • butternut and acorn squash
  • plantains
  • oatmeal


  • banana (yellow-green)
  • berries
  • citrus
  • plum
  • cherry
  • apple
  • apricot
  • pear
  • peach
  • kiwi
  • pineapple


  • carrots
  • celery
  • green onion
  • onion
  • asparagus
  • artichokes
  • beets
  • garlic and ginger (should eat those every day = anti-inflammatory)
Vegetables (other)
  • leafy greens (beware goitrogens in kale and oxalic acid in spinach)
  • avocado (there’s controversy over its persin content being mildly toxic, so research this further)
  • cruciferous veggies (only if boiled to reduce goitrogens)


  • fresh/frozen fish
  • lean chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, buffalo
  • chicken liver
  • eggs, preferably pasture raised


  • genuine extra virgin olive oil
  • high oleic safflower oil
  • unrefined coconut oil
  • grassfed butter like Kerrygold


  • blanched almonds
  • walnuts
  • macadamia nuts
  • brazil nuts (4 max per day)
  • coconut


  • glycine
  • dextrose
  • honey in moderation

Baofeng Radio Beeps but Won't Transmit - Easy Fix

If your Baofeng radio isn’t transmitting but simply beeps, even though the LCD works and it can receive signals, the issue is simple:

The battery supply voltage is too high. The radio has a safety built in that prevents transmission when voltage is above 8V. This is to keep the transmitter from burning out.

Maybe you are using lithium batteries. If so, replace one of the six batteries with a spacer/dummy so that you’re running off of 5 batteries. It will then work. NiMH batteries run at 1.2-1.3V so those are fine, but Lithium can trigger the transmit disable function.

How to Boost your Dreams and Dream Quality

After much experimentation, here’s an easy way to increase your dream vividness, frequency, and recall.

1. Eat at least 3 eggs a few hours before sleep. You get cholesterol and important B vitamins needed for brain energy and health.

2. Take a B6 supplement, and ideally eat it with some chicken, turkey, or tuna. B6 and the tryptophan in the meats convert to serotonin in the brain, which is an important neurotransmitter for dreaming. This is a big one … if you’re low on B6 (which eggs also contain) your dreams will suffer. Amount: 25mg is enough, and 50mg is the max.

3. Go to bed no later than 15 hours after waking up, preferably 13-14 hours. If you have a little trouble falling asleep, that’s good. It means you’re going to sleep with an energy surplus, and this will enhance dream quality. If you need a trick to fall asleep, just focus on your feet and think of every square inch of its surface as if you were coloring it with a marker.

4. Do something on the regular that requires mental effort to exercise your brain. Mindfulness meditation, math, learning something new that’s tough like a foreign language or some science subject, music theory, creative writing — whatever gives you that strained brain feeling. This creates new connections, neurons, and blood vessels in the brain.

5. Stop smoking pot. Apparently it prevents REM sleep. I don’t do pot but I heard it has this effect.

As you can see, all of these are brain-boosting methods, with some subtle-energy retention thrown in (going to bed earlier than normal). You’re basically overclocking the GPU in your skull so that dreams run at a higher resolution and frame rate, metaphorically speaking.

Be sure to keep a dream journal. The 7” Five Star notebooks are a good value there.

Protein Muesli

Here’s a breakfast that is low gluten, low glycemic, low sugar, high protein, and easy to make. It’s a minimalist “oats and whey” muesli.


1/2 medium or large apple cut into chunks
1 scoop protein powder
1/2 cup organic rolled oats
10 almonds or equivalent amount in walnuts or pumpkin seeds)
2 tbsp half-n-half (optional)
cold water

Mix all the dry ingredients in bowl and add desired amount of water.


Why make it yourself? Because you can control the ingredients and assure their quality. Now, the above ingredients were chosen strategically.

Fresh apple has less sugar than dried fruit, especially raisins that you commonly find in commercial mueslis. Mainly it’s fructose you have to keep to a minimum. Raisins are high in fructose; fresh apples not so much.

Protein powder acts as a substitute for milk; I prefer whey, which is derived from milk and has calcium, but delivers far more protein than milk and without the lactose.

Oats are low glycemic calories. They are less inflammatory than wheat, unless you have an avenin sensitivity (avenin is a protein found in oats). Be sure to get organic rolled oats because non-organic oats are typically contaminated with glyphosate, also known as Roundup herbicide. Note that oats are high in phytic acid, but the calcium in whey protein powder offsets it.

Nuts provide some fat and minerals.

Half-n-half or coconut oil is optional, but helps make the protein powder more milk-like.

If you use dried apples and forego the half-n-half, you have yourself a pre-mixed breakfast that is awesome for camping or road trips. Put into individual zip lock bags and add water as needed.

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